Taking time out for you, and why it’s beneficial for ‘them’

By Samantha Papesch

Anyone who’s heard the song ‘Hard to say I’m sorry’ by Chicago is unlikely to forget the opening line: 

“Everybody needs a little time away, I heard her say, from each other.”

For me, this 80’s ballad is top of mind. 

I’ve taken a road trip for work, and as I write this, I’m perched in a hotel room located just a few hours away from home.  It’s nothing flash, just a standard space with the basic amenities. 

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Water bottles: reading into the message

By Samantha Papesch

“By 2050 it’s estimated that the weight of plastic in our oceans will exceed the weight of fish” ~ Ellen MacArthur Foundation

Last week I lost my favourite water bottle.  I was gutted.

When it happened, I was holidaying in Queensland with my family and friends on a warm and sunny afternoon.  We were at a theme park, and I was high on the excitement of the waterslides; playing in the pools with my kids, and having a really awesome time.

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A party, a skateboard, and what’s at the bottom of it

By Samantha Papesch

“Blessed are they who have the gift of friends, for it is one of God’s best gifts” ~ Thomas Hughes

I can’t quite believe it, but my daughter turned eight last week.  When she was born everyone said “time will go so quickly, don’t forget to enjoy her”.  They weren’t wrong.  It just feels like yesterday I was stroking her precious cheeks, in teary awe at the beautiful creation before me.   

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Kraft paper: the gift that keeps on giving

By Samantha Papesch

At Christmastime in 1917, a speciality store in Kansas City, U.S.A. ran out of red, white, green, and holly embellished tissue sheets (sold as gift wrap). 

The owners of the store were brothers, J.C. and Rollie Hall who improvised by bringing in French decorative ‘envelope lining paper’ from the manufacturing plant of their greeting cards.  It sold out so quickly they decided to produce their own sheets, and this marked the beginning of the modern-day gift wrap industry. 

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Minimalism. A hipster buzzword it ain’t

By Samantha Papesch

“Minimalism is the intentional promotion of the things we most value, and the removal of everything that distracts us from it.  It requires a conscious decision because it is a countercultural lifestyle” ~ Joshua Becker

The other day, I realised something remarkable.  For the better part of 12 months, I’ve had a considerable amount of freedom to do the things I love, despite the fact that it’s been my busiest year ever.

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Why I’m toning down, not up

By Samantha Papesch

This isn’t a story about how I lost weight.  And, it’s not a tale lamenting the reasons I’ve let myself go.  Instead, it’s a blog about letting go of the weight of my body issues.

As I write this, I’m on guard.  My (almost) eight year old daughter keeps looking over my shoulder, curious to read my screen.

It’s her at the centre of my thoughts.

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My ‘go-to meal’ for comforting others

By Samantha Papesch

A few years ago my best friend’s stepdad passed away.  It was a sad and difficult time, but there was a silver lining – I was in New Zealand when it happened, and I was on hand to offer my love and support.

What came as surprise though, was that after all the years of knowing my best friend, I struggled to find the right way to comfort her in this situation.

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